Proven ability in delivering smart technology
solutions for business advantage
defined and implemented next generation enterprise technology
architecture and strategy for international hospitality, travel, and
technology companies.
Deliverer of innovative technology solutions for mission-critical Web-facing and business-to-business
revenue generating areas. Experienced in building and managing premiere development teams
and processes able to deliver results on-time and on-budget.
Author of "IT Transformation with SOA—Trials, Techniques and Tribulations"
Blog: "IT Transformation with
SOA—Trials, Techniques
& Tribulations"
For complementary information visit:
For there to be a trusting partnership between business and technology, the technologist need to become acquainted with the business imperatives.
The best tools in leveraging emerging technology in ways that provide a clear competitive advantage are knowledge and imagination
Technology can proactively partner with business so that the business leadership can enjoy a wider menu of options and be better armed in the priority-setting exercises
Ultimately, to be deemed successful, technology must deliver a business benefit.